Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 6

I was absent for the tut and unable to do the group task

The lecture provided us with knowledge on how to film which I otherwise had no clue of and hopefully with track view filming will be a breeze.

Week 7

My level:

The trailer:

The lecture provided some insightful advice into how to use Track view and animate, very useful.

Week 5

My strategy to conceal and reveal the numbers:
1. I have a set of pillars that spell N at a particular angle
2. the letter 2 is created though shrubbery
3. The land has been elevated in an area to create a shadow in the shape of the letter 2
4. the letter N is spelt with rock on the river bank
5. The number 2 can be seen upside down on an aerial view of the island

All of these scene are in the trailer so keep an eye out for the hidden characters!

Lecture reflection.
The lecture explored hoe illusions can be made using objects and viewed from particular angles, a good clue as to how to reveal and conceal our letter and number on the island.

Week 4

Our island needs to have elements of the sublime, the lecture showed us several dramatic scenes using weather and landscape to create drea which we can do using the skybox.